A warming climate decreases microbial diversity
Researchers at the University of Oklahoma have found that the warming climate is decreasing microbial diversity, which is essential for soil health. Led by Jizhong Zhou, Ph.D., the director of the Institute for Environmental Genomics at OU, the research team conducted an eight-year experiment that found that climate warming played a predominant role in shaping microbial biodiversity, with significant negative effect.
Cont. Science Daily
Jun 15, 2022
Friendly fungi announce themselves to their hosts
Many people are familiar with the concept of probiotics, or "good" bacteria. Scientists also have learned that fungi can do good for people, including sometimes replacing bacteria in the commensal state and performing similar beneficial functions.
Cont. Science Daily
May 19, 2022
Spatial distribution of pores helps determine where carbon is stored in the soil
Soils store more carbon than all the vegetation on the Earth's surface. However, there are still many unanswered questions about precisely which processes favour accumulation in the soil. Soil scientists have now developed a new method to show where and under what conditions carbon is stored in the soil. It turns out, it is primarily the network of soil pores that controls the spatial distribution of carbon.
Cont. Science Daily
Apr 22, 2022
Mycorrhizal fungi promote greater tree species diversity
Fungi, specifically those that are "mycorrhizal," are natural allies of the forest because they improve tree nutrient acquisition. But which of the mycorrhizal feeding strategies yields the greatest tree diversity in a forest: strategy A (ectomycorrhiza) or strategy B (arbuscular mycorrhiza)?
Cont. Science Daily
Feb 25, 2022