Good Garden

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Diary — Kareao / Ripogonum scandens / Supplejack, the delicous bush snack

Kareao / Ripogonum scandens / Supplejack, the delicous bush snack

Kareao / Ripogonum scandens / Supplejack, the delicous bush snack

Feb 05, 2022

Synonymous with NZ bush, this vine is the gift that keeps on giving (unless you're trying to get through a thick patch of its entanglement). The bright red berries are sure to catch your eyes if they're present in lower canopies and are entirely edible (excluding the hard spotted seed). In the wild the berry contains a large spotted seed and a thin layer of delicious flesh that tastes refreshingly like something between an apple and watermelon.

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New shoots like the one above can be found in summer, growing as fast as bamboo in optimum conditions. These soft tendrils can be snapped off easily and eaten raw or lightly steamed/fried. The flavour is comparable to a fresh green bean, a personal favourite when trawling through the bush on a hot summers day.

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Above: Kareao seedling after successful germination!

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